Presenter Miss Junior Endeavor pagent winner, Kamani Travis (in red) presented the 2016 starlet award to Miss Lauren Ray who started a business making wigs for kids suffering hair loss as a result of cancer.
Las Vegas news personality, Demetria Obilor, was a presenter and supporter of the 2015 BIBO Awards.
Singer Olivia Dvorak performed at the 2015 BIBO Awards. Although under the age of 25…she had already earned songwriting credits and awards for her singing and art.
The young ladies of the NOVA dance troupe opened the 2016 BIBO Awards in Las Vegas
This young lady was awarded the 2016 Starlet award for her work in Los Angeles and her Rainbow Pack organization…which provides school supplies to under-served kids in the Los Angeles area.
These cuties (ages 9-13) from the San Clemente dance Troupe gave a spirited performance in Los Angeles BIBO Awards 2015
Zenay Arnold, sister of actress Tichina Arnold, honored for her work in Holistic Healing as she also battles the challenges of Lupus.
Singer of the award winning R&B group, 702, Meela, was honored in Las Vegas for her work in Autism Awareness as her son has autism.
Former NFL player and now Senator Napolean Harris was a presenter and supporter of the efforts of the BIBO Foundation.